musicBwomen* – art.business.media.
As musicBwomen* we are the Berlin network of our nationwide umbrella organization Music Women* Germany!
Through our consulting sessions, networking events, communication and educational work, we are specifically committed to the promotion, visibility and connection of FLINTA+ people from the fields of art, business, media or tech in the music industry.
Because there are still barriers in the music industry, which especially prevent FLINTA+ and multiply marginalized people from being seen and heard, from getting booked, and from building a successful career.
We emerged from our umbrella organisation Music Women* Germany, which was founded in 2017 and has been a registered association since 2021. Music Women* Germany’s work is divided into the promotion, networking and visibility of women* and non-binary people in the music industry – as artist, or people in business, media or tech positions. A crucial moment was the creation of the first nationwide database of all women* and non-binary people in music, which makes it easier for you to get in touch, exchange ideas and get involved with each other. You are not registered yet? You can do so here, don’t miss out!
Regional networks.
There are 9 regional networks so far. The aim is to have a network in each of the federal states in Germany. If you are located in another federal state, you can reach out to your local contact person.
Our Mission: Gender Equality.
The 25% gender pay gap in the music industry is higher than the national gender pay gap for all industries (19%). Male-dominated line-ups at festivals are no surprise, even in 2022. Stereotypes regarding the abilities of FLINTA+ as music creators, bookers, artist managers, or else still shape the attitudes of many decision makers (gatekeepers) as well as music consumers.
There are numerous studies, such as this one by the Keychange/MaLisa Foundation (2021), which clearly demonstrate an urgent need for action to create a gender equal and inclusive music industry. Identified problems lie especially in existing boys’ clubs and the exclusion of FLINTA+ people, gender-based discrimination, but also a lack of role models and networks were named by surveyed women.
These are the core points where we as musicBwomen* want to make a change!
We not only want to offer you platforms where we promote you and your work. We also want to strengthen and support each other as a community: e.g. through great networking events with partner initiatives and activists. Our goal is to generate synergies. If you are a project, initiative, or group and are interested in creating something together, please get in touch!
Our musicBwomen* consulting sessions create space where we can talk about your career plans, creative ideas, and experienced barriers in the music industry! Together we find creative solutions and support you with an open ear, education and support opportunities. Our consulting sessions take place monthly.
Next Consulting-Sessions:
– 25.07.2022 (full)
– 31.08.2022 (full)
– 06.09.2022 (full)
Register today! Simply send an email with your questions and what you would like to discuss to contact@musicbwomen.de.
Since 2019, musicBwomen* has been funded by the Musicboard Berlin GmbH. Their support is the reason why our network came to life and continues to exist. We say thank you!
Since November 2018, the Berlin Music Commission eG has been the supporter of the local musicBwomen* network.
FLINTA+ stands for: female, lesbian, inter* nonbinary, trans* and agender people. The term is used to highlight and name gender identities that exist beyond the binary gender order of women and men. They also experience discrimination in music industries which are too often overlooked.
Image by William White.