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Individual consultation w/ Music Industry Expert Sara-Lena Probst

#musicBwomen Videocall individual consultation w/ Sara-Lena Probst (for free)

⚡️ Appointments with concrete questions and a self-description including relevant links to contact(at)


The musicBwomen single consultation (for free) for all music women* from the ranges art/media/business, in and from Berlin, takes place in August with the following expert of the industry

Thurs, August 27, 2020 w/ Music industry Expert Sara-Lena Probst
Founder | Blackbird Punk
Topics: Content Planning for Social Media, Digital Strategy, YouTube, Spotify, Websites/WordPress
15 – 18 p.m.
3 x 45 min sessions

📍Sara-Lena Probst heads a digital consultancy for the music industry with BlackbirdPunk Consulting. BlackbirdPunk Consulting offers a 360-degree approach to everything digital and adapts the offer to the customer’s needs.
In addition, BlackbirdPunk is also a music business blog. Twice a week new exciting topics are added. Inspired by the daily work as a digital consultant.

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Supported by Musicboard Berlin

Graphiks by Stroke and Marvel Design Studio & Photo by Sara-Lena Probst