Videoformat „Diversity Portraits“ | music is her passion
music is her passion beleuchtet mit ihrem neun Videoformat „Diversity Portraits“ Musikfrauen*, die hinter den Kulissen arbeiten sowie bahnbrechende und gleichstellungsfördernde Musikfrauen*. Den Anfang macht Ines Bartl (Tourmanagerin von Bad Cop / Bad Cop & Gründerin von TMom.merch).
Alle Informationen inkl. das Video befinden sich hier.
Über music is her passion:
„music is her passion is committed to a world of music on equal terms, where it does not matter what gender, skin colour, culture, religion or origin a person has. We are convinced that not only our musical universe will become even more colourful and diverse if we all pull together, make each other strong and together turn dreams into reality.
We promote equality in music because we have noticed that there are still some areas where equality does not yet exist. We have made it our task to create awareness of this and to talk to a wide range of people about the reasons for and possible solutions to inequalities.
We have the vision to create a worldwide movement from Berlin, which stands for freedom and equality in music. To have the freedom and opportunities to be successful in every professional field, regardless of gender, skin colour or culture.“
Photo by TheRegisti on Unsplash